Julia is a fighter— the sweetest one you’ll ever meet! Since 2016, she has flown with us over 100 times in her battle against retinoblastoma, a rare eye cancer.
Julia was diagnosed at 17 months old and had already lost all vision in her tumor-filled right eye. While she still had some vision in her left eye, it was filling up with tumors as well. There were no treatment options in their home state of Wisconsin and Julia’s parents were desperate to save her life and her vision. Thankfully they found a specialty clinic at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Within weeks of Julia’s diagnosis, Children’s Flight of Hope was flying for her life.
After many years of frequent trips to receive cutting edge treatment, Julia celebrated going into remission in 2020. Her journey doesn’t end there though. After several happy months of remission, Julia’s cancer returned, and she bravely stepped back into the fight. Julia is an adorable and active little girl who her mom describes as a ray of light. We’ll be there for Julia as she travels monthly to meet with her oncologist in New York, no matter the frequency, no matter the duration.