
Our clients find out about Children’s Flight of Hope in a variety of ways. Sometimes, a parent finds us in their own research and reaches out directly. Many times, a hospital or social worker will refer a family to CFOH when they see a medical and financial need present. CFOH also works with other organizations that support critically ill and injured children, so they can refer many children they work with who need transportation assistance.

To CFOH, American Airlines, and Shriners,

There are no words to describe the high degree of gratitude that I have.

To say “thank you” is not enough but I can ask God to pour infinite blessings so that this project goes forward and can continue to grow more and more, so that other children can see that there is a way to start a new tomorrow full of happiness.

Today after three years without being able to pass anything through her esophagus, without being able to feel taste in her mouth, without being able to eat, my dream that she could eat again has come true. Thanks to all who made this possible. I want God to bless you, and give you a long life. And to protect you in everything on your way.

Thanks for everything,
— Marisol, Yosmayri’s Mom

Nathan L.


Luz and Veronica